"Somewhere over the non-sense."
[Quick tips in slow motion.]
The green symphony.
I have knowledge on musical theory too narrow to describe this one in detail, but I can assure you this symphony is drowning in awesomeness, golden and such.
The very end of Louise Sawyer, just after kissing Thelma. When she puts her weight onto the gas pedal, releasing clutch and drive her beautiful '66 Ford Thunderbird (convertible) off the Grand canyon cliff. But this one is as if it happened, as if there was real Louise S. - Susan Sarandon - in the car and she'd run it down to certain death with Thelma - Geena Davis - sitting right beside her, co-driver's seat. It is madness. Pure gold, I tell you! Real drama with catharsis, if you feel it, that is.
Imagine for a moment or two: (twenty-three years younger) Harvey Keitel runs in slow motion after the '66. Susan demands everything from her green Thunderbird. All the horsepower under it's hood - in a sec. Geena done being loud-sexy. Her role at this point is to sit resignedly and die with her best friend Susan, the driver. Somebody still has to drive, mind you.
Harvey, as already said before, runs behind the green Ford. Right hand raised. In slow motion. Roaring engine. Dust everywhere. Mr. Keitel gets lost somewhere out of the picture in all the comotion. And this music, man, this music piece is the green convertible's drive over the edge - with Susan Sarandon behind a steering wheel and Geena Davis beside her, both about to meet their maker.
But as you may know, they're still alive today, so this music bit is surely fake. And that's what holds me in confusion. Do you happen to have the privilege of knowing the name of this symphony? If you do, please, let me know.