(Dear English speakers, your translation is below the first half of this text.)
Čeprav so yorubski bogovi krepostni, imajo tudi napake. Med njimi biva zlo, t.i. Orishas so človeški. V bistvu niso bogovi, ampak svetniki, angeli varuhi, nekaj v tej smeri.
Čeprav so yorubski bogovi krepostni, imajo tudi napake. Med njimi biva zlo, t.i. Orishas so človeški. V bistvu niso bogovi, ampak svetniki, angeli varuhi, nekaj v tej smeri.
»Oče, ne prekolnite me, sam se bom in dokler bo svet ostal svet, bom delal podnevi in ponoči.«
V mestu so se konice kopij, noži in ostali železni predmeti začeli obrabljati. Le Oggun je posedoval ključ do skrivnosti o taljenju kovin. Starešine so se odločili, da mu odpustijo in pošljejo ponj.
Oyá se odpravi v gozd po Ogguna. Vrne se onečaščena in brez Ogguna. Nato se ponj odpravi Yemoyá. Tudi njo posili in pošlje od koder je prišla.
Oshun je bila bolj prebrisana od predhodnic.

Orisha ljubezni je šla v gozd, da bi poiskala zavetnika vojne. Oshun je pripravila Ogguna do tega, da je okusil med. Prej ga namreč ni poznal.
Ogguna povezujejo z brutalnostjo, grobostjo, vojno, nepričakovanih momentov. Alaguedé je kovač, tisti, ki pozna skrivnost železa, ki lahko izdeluje nože, puščice, mačete, vse kar potrebujemo in sedaj uporabljamo v industriji. Oggun je tisti, ki razume vse te kovine. Po drugi strani je zavetnik miru, stoičnosti, veselja in glasbe. Zatorej v glasbi obstajajo pesmi, ki Ogguna razveseljujejo.
Oggun je ob sebi potreboval lepotico in vzel za ženo tisto z imenom Oyá (o kateri že vemo, da ji je silo storil). Dal ji je svoje orožje, da se mu je lahko pridružila pri lovu in bitkah. Ta orožja pa niso bila narejena z njegovo roko in železna, ampak bakrena.
Na zgodbo se navezuje legenda o zavetniku groma, plesa, ki je vedeževalec, ženskar in tolkalec, saj je boben njegovo življenje. Ime mu je Shangó.
Namen molitve k Shangó-ju je način, da ga spravijo na zabavo. Prepevajo mu, da je kralj, da je dedec, močan, ljubeč, prikupen.
Shangó je rojen za Oggunom in je po njunem očetu izvedel o incestu njegovega starejšega brata. Izbral je maščevanje nad Oggunom. V legendi s svojimi plesnimi sposobnostmi prepriča in zapeljana Oyá z njim zapusti svojega moža Ogguna. Rodi se sovraštvo med Shangó-jem in Oggunom, Oyá pa postane bojevnica, ki se v vseh bitkah bori na Shangó-jevi strani.
Morda si je Oyá v življenju želela nekaj tvojega železa, ne bakra, Oggun?
Among Yoruba gods evil also dwells. Like men, the orishas (they are something like guardian angels or saints) have virtues and blemishes.
Alaguedé, the Eldest Oggun, committed an error against his mother Yemoo.
The act remained a secret, but not for long, since the boy Elegguá discovered it and then told his father Obatalá all about it.
Then Oggun said to Obatalá: »Father, do not curse me, I will curse myself and as long as the world is the world, I will work day and night.«
But in the town, spades, knives and iron things began to broke but only Oggun knew the secret of melting irons and the elders decided to send for Oggun and forgive him. A woman went looking for him. In this case Oyá. But she returned damaged and without Oggun. Yemoyá also went looking for him and the same happened to her - Oggun raped her and send her back.
But Oshun was more clever.
As goddess of love, she went to the forest in search of Oggun, the god of war. Oshun made Oggun taste honey, a taste he did not know.
Everybody identifies Oggun with brutality, roughness, war, the unexpected moments, but Oggun is not like that. He is also peace, tranquility, joy and music. That is why in the music there are songs that make Oggun happy.
Oggun needed a beautiful woman beside him and accepted Oyá (the same one he sexually abused, mind you) as his wife, giving her his weapons so she could join him during his wars and hunts. Those weapons were not made by him with iron but with copper.
A patakin (or legend) about the 4th king of Oyó, Shangó: the god of thunder, a dance per excellence, soothsayer, womanizer and percussionist because the drum was his life.
A prayer for Shangó is the way to allure the orisha to amuse himself at the party and we can say he is king, strong, he's the man, love, sweetness.
Shangó was born after Oggun and by the word of their father found out about the incest of his brother and tried to take revenge against his brother Oggun. In this legend Oyá leaves Oggun for Shangó. It is here where rivalry between Shangó and Oggun is born and Oyá is seduced by Shangó's dances. She then becomes the warrior accompanying Shangó in all his wars.
Maybe Oyá wanted just a little bit of your iron instead of cheap copper in her life, Oggun?
Text for English speakers:
Among Yoruba gods evil also dwells. Like men, the orishas (they are something like guardian angels or saints) have virtues and blemishes.
Alaguedé, the Eldest Oggun, committed an error against his mother Yemoo.
The act remained a secret, but not for long, since the boy Elegguá discovered it and then told his father Obatalá all about it.
Then Oggun said to Obatalá: »Father, do not curse me, I will curse myself and as long as the world is the world, I will work day and night.«
But in the town, spades, knives and iron things began to broke but only Oggun knew the secret of melting irons and the elders decided to send for Oggun and forgive him. A woman went looking for him. In this case Oyá. But she returned damaged and without Oggun. Yemoyá also went looking for him and the same happened to her - Oggun raped her and send her back.
But Oshun was more clever.
As goddess of love, she went to the forest in search of Oggun, the god of war. Oshun made Oggun taste honey, a taste he did not know.
Everybody identifies Oggun with brutality, roughness, war, the unexpected moments, but Oggun is not like that. He is also peace, tranquility, joy and music. That is why in the music there are songs that make Oggun happy.
Oggun needed a beautiful woman beside him and accepted Oyá (the same one he sexually abused, mind you) as his wife, giving her his weapons so she could join him during his wars and hunts. Those weapons were not made by him with iron but with copper.
A patakin (or legend) about the 4th king of Oyó, Shangó: the god of thunder, a dance per excellence, soothsayer, womanizer and percussionist because the drum was his life.
A prayer for Shangó is the way to allure the orisha to amuse himself at the party and we can say he is king, strong, he's the man, love, sweetness.
Shangó was born after Oggun and by the word of their father found out about the incest of his brother and tried to take revenge against his brother Oggun. In this legend Oyá leaves Oggun for Shangó. It is here where rivalry between Shangó and Oggun is born and Oyá is seduced by Shangó's dances. She then becomes the warrior accompanying Shangó in all his wars.
Maybe Oyá wanted just a little bit of your iron instead of cheap copper in her life, Oggun?
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