Misel meseca maja, ki so jo izbrali v župniji Želimlje ("Bog je ljubezen, zato tisti, ki živi v ljubezni, živi v Bogu in Bog živi v njem." (1 Jn 4, 16)) ne pomaga pri premostitvi pisunske blokade. Verjemite, poskušal sem. Prehlad pa zadostuje, da se posvetne misli umaknejo velikim vprašanjem fikcije, vesolja in vere.
Abdel Khader Khan, menedžer bombajskega črnega trga dobrodušno razloži svojemu vajencu Linu (t.j. Gregory David Roberts, avtor romana Shantaram, knjige debeluške iz katere citiram) zanimivo in dinamično teorijo o vesolju:
'The history of the universe is a history of motion,' Khader began, still looking at the boats nodding together like horses in harness. 'The universe, as we know it, in this one of its many lives, began in an expansion that was so big, and so fast that we can talk about it, but we cannot in any truth understand it, or even imagine it. The scientists call this great expansion, from the first fractions of attoseconds, the universe was like a rich soup made out of simple bits of things. Those bits were so simple that they were not even atoms yet. As the universe expanded and cooled down, these very tiny bits of things came together to make particles. Then the particles came together to make molecules. Then the molecules came together to make more stars and planets. All the stuff we are made of came from this dying stars. We are made out of stars, you and I. Do you agree with me so far?' |...|
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(Slika je simbolična. V bistvu nima veze s tekstom, ampak je ena izmed tistih srečnic, ki najdejo svoje mesto kjerkoli se pojavijo.) |
Khader visoko ceni avtorja romana posebej zaradi poguma. Za Lina namreč Khader Khanov status ne predstavlja ovire, da bi se vzdržal skeptične obravnave, celo občasne kritike naukov mentorja, ki jo pri večini ohromi strahospoštovanje do botra podzemlja. Kljub temu povzamem in se osredotočim na sam nauk o vesolju. Pa ne zavoljo nekakšne cenzure, temveč zato, ker bo objava dovolj obsežna brez podrobnejšega posredovanja protagonista.
'Now, to continue, none of these things, none of these processes, none of these coming together actions are what one can describe as random events. The universe has a nature, for and of itself, something like human nature, if you like, and its nature is to combine, and to build, and to become more complex. It always does this. If the circumstances are right, bits of matter will always come together to make more complex arrangements. And this fact about the way that our universe works, this moving towards order, and towards combinations of these ordered things, has a name. In the western science it is called the tendency toward complexity, and it is the way the universe works.' |...|
'To continue this point, the universe, as we know it, and from everything that we can learn about it, has been getting always more complex since it began. It does this because that is its nature. The tendency toward complexity has carried the universe from almost perfect simplicity to the kind of complexity that we see around us, everywhere we look. The universe is always doing this. It is always moving from the simple to the complex.' |...|
'The universe,' he continued, 'this universe that we know, began in almost absolute simplicity, and it has been getting more complex for about fifteen billion years. In another billion years it will be still more complex than it is now. In five billion, in ten billion - it is always getting more complex. It is moving toward... something. It is moving toward some kind of ultimate complexity. But we are all moving towards it- everything in the universe is moving towards it. And that final complexity, that thing we are all moving to, is what I choose to call God. If you don't like that word, God, call it the Ultimate Complexity. Whatever you call it, the whole universe is moving toward it.' |...|Lin se na razlago lika, ki zanj predstavlja figuro očeta, ki ga ni imel in ni poznal, vendar je ta odsotnost močno vplivala na njegovo pot, odzove skeptično. Abdel Khader Khan na dvom o (ne)naključnosti vseobsegajočega procesa odgovori brez zadrege.
'Our planet may be smashed, it is true, and one day our beautiful sun will die. And we are, to the best of our knowledge, the most developed expression of the complexity in our bit of the universe. It would certainly be a major loss if we were to be annihilated. It would be a terrible waste of all that development. But the process would continue. We are, ourselves, expression of that process. Our bodies are the children of all the suns and other stars that died, before us, making the atoms that we are made of. And if we were destroyed, by an asteroid, or by our own hand, well, somewhere else in the universe, our level of complexity, this level of complexity, with a consciousness capable of understanding the process, would be duplicated. I do not mean people exactly like us. I mean that thinking beings, that are as complex as we are, would develop, somewhere else in the universe. We would cease to exist, but the process would go on. Perhaps this is happening in millions of worlds, even as we speak. In fact, it is very likely that it is happening, all over the universe, because that is what the universe does.' |...|Tisti, ki se mu moram zahvalit za literarni predlog, bi bil morda užaljen, če bi ga imenoval 'tiger Rudi', vsekakor pa je prav on tisti, ki se mu zahvaljujem. Knjigo priporočam tudi sam. Shantaram je nafilan s krvavimi obračuni, kolero, najhujšo revščino, pa tudi z bogastvom nepredstavljivega izkustva, ljubezni, prijateljstva, sočutja in dobrote. Shantaram je rodovitno polje, v katerem se splača izgubiti.
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(Mimogrede, ste med čekiranjem objave slučajno pomislili na tega modela?) |
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