our friends (ocvirkom prijazne strani)

nedelja, 29. oktober 2017


unserious this, please
logger dee, logger done
twisty legger gum
lettuce risen, damage dome
fractions munchies calleth sie
Zed makes weatherly weasels
in to the suncorn megadeers
and teenage tentacles
to whiperdone and tiny
bababas riped with abstract peopees
how is the glue Hank achieved?
bristing breaching broth
reacus propelled pud-ding
liberation fungae, clouds of joy
champion of life is tot
pocket oh, the last escape!
jurney knocked china ware
spacege cracks inself
wieseldorf a bee
an a, a c through tyne
enterprise euny pewney cow
need a shrinky sauce
brutalized canvas steer
globe around is fear
or is ith, dearling tooz?
cangashnouze statues work
pensil hack up underdust
cut off the deal me a ninja skill

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