It all happened in
2008. When the big crisis kicked in, we just didn't know what to do. We lived
our lives as normal. The government started building up the taxes. What could
we do?
I was living in a
small apartment in Ljubljana. It's the capital of Slovenia, a country the
population of 2 million. In June the heating died and my roommates didn't mind
because it was hot anyway. Nether them nor I had any jobs at the time.
But the winter came
and it was pretty damn cold. So I found a job, easy data entry paid as if I was from India. Page by page. And
it was complitely boring.
Slovenia, Land of Opportunities
I did everything: wash the dishes after the IT department, make coffee for the costumers and copy paste a bunch of crapy texts. Poorly written and grammatically impossible texts. I didn't mind.
One day we were
driving around with our sales department. They had to do weekly meetings with
costumers on the road browsing for new ones. We spotted a lady in front of a
small store. She sold fireplaces and stoves but at the time of our arrival, she
was standing there, making angry face to the bushes.
Kotnik," asked one of the colleague, "what happened here?"
She was clearly in
distress. Started to talk nonsense about the gypsies.
"They come at
day time. You can smell them in the bushes hiding, watching for easy
Mrs. Kotnik was
clearly not one of them. She invited us in, we talked about her new web page
and she about her dying father. Who's in hospital and has a serious attack of
At her sake we
looked around the store and she showed us some photos of Janković's big new
fireplace in the backyard. The mayor of Ljubljana was investing in outdoor
kitchens apparently. Wonder with who's money.
Then the store
doorbell rang and a young man entered.
"You have PC?" he asked her and she lost her mind, kicked him out theatrically and
with course.
"You saw him,
didn't you. And look out there."
In front of the
store there was five or six of them, staring at us. Gypsies.
"They just
need to take a good look, and in the evening they'll come back and steal whatever
they can. It happened next door." She pointed across the street.
There was nothing left.
There was nothing left.
Pozdravljeni, dragi občani
OdgovoriIzbrišiNe dovolite, da banke narekujejo obrestne mere. Na voljo smo vam za pogajanja o najnižjih cenah na trgu. Obnovite hipoteko ob pravem času in poiščite najboljšo ponudbo. Optimizirajte svoja sredstva! Na voljo imamo najboljše ponudbe. So vas številne banke zavrnile. Ali potrebujete financiranje za konsolidacijo svojega dolga?
_ številka WhatsApp: 33 7 55 13 33 12
_ Tu je naš naslov: pierredubreuil35@gmail.com